拆轴封工具 拆轴封 15(cm)
产品报价: 电讯
产品品牌: 普通
所属分类: 库存汽摩配件
联系人: 梁*文
移动电话: 86***********9089
固定电话: 86***********9089
公司名称: 广州市白云区三元里铨宏汽配经营部
公司地址: 广东广州机场路65号万里汽配城4栋4号
主营业务: 汽车空调压缩机 原厂电控阀 不二...

广州铨宏汽车空调有限公司是一家实力雄厚的汽车空调零配件生产、销售企业。产品远销美国、欧洲、非洲、中东、东南亚、台湾、香港、大陆等国家及地区。目前主要经营汽车空调压缩机、膨胀阀、电控阀、压力开关、离合器、德国曼牌机油、进口轴封、密封圈及其它相关配件。我们多年来秉承:诚信为本、质量、用户至上的方针,我们期待与更多的国内外客户建立合作共赢关系,您的强大是我们希望看到的,真诚欢迎您到公司考察。 其他配件: guangzhou quanhong automotive air conditioning company is an enterprise with rich experience in export trade. our products are popular at home and abroad and have been exported to many countries such as united stated, europe, africa, the middle east, and southeast asia etc. at present, we mainly engaged in automotive air-conditioning compressor, expaion valves, electric control valves, switch pressure, mann-filter oil, clutches, seal and other related parts. we always follow the principle of “credit is the basic, quality is the fit, and customer is the uppermost”. we sincerely look forward to establishing a win-win cooperation relatiohip with more home and abroad clients. welcome to visit our company "供应拆轴封工具"的用途为拆轴封,规格尺寸是15(cm),品牌为普通,型号是普通